Monday, November 26, 2012

VFX Videos

I think it is high time for me to post some VFX videos in this blog. For the moment, I have only videos I created for student exercise when I was a part-time Basic VFX instructor at CG Protege.

First, a video to demonstrate material and volume light animation:

My goal with this video was to test the students' understanding of material. Rather than just giving them a simple material exercise, I threw in volume light to get them off balance a little (which seems to happen a lot to me in production). Elements in the video:
  1. Animated procedural texture,
  2. Animated volume light.
The video was rendered using 3ds Max scanline renderer without any compositing. The reason being the class had not reached compositing yet.

Second, a video that combines almost all elements introduced in the class:
At the time I created this video, the students were about to go through their first project. I intended this exercise to help them prepare for the project. Here are the elements in the video:
  1. A simple geometry with animated texture for the energy bullet,
  2. Particle system for the debris,
  3. Light pass & volume light look & timing,
  4. Extra texture for the block for the hit mark.
This video was also rendered using 3ds Max scanline renderer with no compositing. The glow on the energy bullet was done using 3ds Max's render effect.

I will post more videos (hopefully from Dream Defenders) soon.