I am attending a ZBrush sculpting class conducted by Dmitry Gaborak at CG Protege. The goal of the class is to sculpt a full-body character. As a starter, though, the class concentrates on the human head first.
Last week's lesson was about the human skull. Dmitry gave us a series of skull turn-table images as reference and we sculpt the skull from a polysphere (basically a rounded cube). We began by sculpting the major shapes, then used ZBrush's DynaMesh to get a better topology. After that it's up to us to sculpt the details.
I spent around 3 extra hours at home to continue working on my skull model. It turned out rather well, so I am posting it here.
The model is still relatively coarse, as you can see on the teeth. Also, the cheek bone shape is still off (I cannot yet spot what is off right now, I'm hoping I can see it with fresh eyes later).